Collect Testimonials

How to Get Testimonials From Clients

Discover effective strategies for collecting powerful client testimonials. Learn how to ask for feedback, leverage social proof, and use testimonials to boost your credibility and sales

Gwendal Brossard

Gwendal Brossard

Jan 19, 2024

How to Get Testimonials From Clients

In today's digital age, testimonials are like gold for businesses. They put a spotlight on your satisfied customers' experiences, giving newcomers confidence in your products or services.

But, how do you gather these powerful testimonials?

Getting testimonials from customers isn't just about asking, it's also about timing, approach, and making it easy for them.

In this guide, we will walk you through practical steps to collect testimonials that can boost your brand's reputation and win more customers.

Understanding the power of testimonials

Why testimonials matter

People often look for proof before they trust a business or buy a product. Testimonials work like a recommendation from a friend, they make people feel more confident before buying your service or product.

In fact, a study found that nearly 90% of consumers read reviews before making a purchase. Testimonials help reduce doubts and show the quality and reliability of your work directly from those who have experienced it.

Different types of testimonials and their uses

Testimonials come in several forms, each with unique advantages that can fit different needs.

Video testimonials

A video testimonial is like having a satisfied customer speak directly to potential customers through their screen. It's a very personal approach. People can see and hear the enthusiasm, which can be more convincing than reading a written review. Video testimonials are great for social media and websites where visuals grab attention. Videos testimonials are the kind of testimonials that make the strongest impact.

Written testimonials

Written testimonials are the traditional form you see on many websites. They are easier to collect and easy to add to various marketing materials. You just need your clients' words and permissions to use them. These can be powerful quotes used on landing pages, product pages, or even in email campaigns.

Social media testimonials

Social media testimonials are messages people leave on websites like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Because anyone can see these testimonials, they tend to make your business look good and more trustworthy. You can share these testimonials to get more people to see them.

Creating a testimonial collection strategy

Getting testimonials from your clients starts with a solid strategy. Let’s break it down:

Indentify your happy clients

Look for clients who are clearly pleased with your work. It might be the client who sent a thankful email after a job well done or someone who keeps buying your product over and over. Pay attention to clients who praise your service or refer others to your business. These are the folks that would happily give you a testimonial.

Choose the right time to ask for a testimonial

When asking for a testimonial, timing is crucial. Reach out when your client's success is still new and exciting. You want to reach out to them right after they have benefited from your product or service. It could be just after you have completed a project for them and they have seen the positive impact of your work.

The key is ask for a testimonial at the right time, without being pushy. You want to catch them when they are most enthusiastic but you don't them to feel pressured. A simple check-in to see how they are doing with their purchase, followed by a testimonial request, can be a smooth way to go.

Collecting testimonials doesn't have to be complicated. It's about recognizing who loves your work and asking them to share their story when they are most excited.

Tools and resources for collecting testimonials

Using the right tools can make the process of collecting testimonials from your clients easy. A tool like PraiseHive provides a straightforward platform for gathering both video and text testimonials. It offers customizable forms that fit your brand's look, and sharing these collection forms with your clients takes just a click. You want to make sure that leaving a testimonial is as easy as possible for your customers.

In addition to PraiseHive, you can also use other tools such as email marketing platforms, or even sending your customers a message through social media.

Best practices for follow-ups

Once you have reached out to your clients for testimonials, following up is key. However, it needs to be done carefully to avoid coming off as intrusive or pushy. Here is how you can go about it:

  1. Wait for an appropriate time: Give your clients enough time to respond to your initial request before following up. Wait at least one week before asking again.

  2. Keep it friendly: When writing your follow-up messages, make sure you keep a warm and professional tone. A simple message to ask if they saw your previous message can be just enough.

  3. Provide a gentle reminder: Let your clients know that their opinions are important to you, and let them know how sharing their experiences can have a positive impact your business.

  4. Make it convenient: Remind clients how quick and easy it is for them to leave a testimonial. Using a tool like PraiseHive makes it super easy for your customers to leave a testimonial.

  5. Express gratitude: Always thank your clients for their time and feedback, whether they have already provided a testimonial or you are still waiting their response.

By using these best practices into your strategy can help you maintain a strong relationship with your clients and boost the number of testimonials you receive.

How to Ask for Testimonials

Asking for testimonials doesn't have to a painful task. It's about approaching your clients with respect and showing them that their input is valuable for your business. Here is how to craft an effective request:

Crafting the perfect testimonial request

Be direct and honest in your request. Use clear language and explain why the testimonial is really important for your business. Express appreciation for their business and specifically mention what you would like them to address in their testimonial, whether it's the quality of your product or the impact of your service. Make your request personal by using their name. You also want to make sure that it is super easy for them to leave a testimonial.

Highlighting client appreciation

Clients appreciate feeling valued. When requesting a testimonial, emphasize the significance of their feedback and how it can help others people like them make informed decisions. Show gratitude by expressing how much their input means to your business and how it plays a considerable role in your growth and improvement.

Email templates for testimonial requests

Subject: We'd Love Your Feedback!

Hello [Client Name],

We loved working with you and are super proud about the results [specific project or milestone]. Your opinion is invaluable to us and potential clients who need similar services.

Would you be willing to share your experience by leaving a testimonial? It won't take more than a few minutes, and your experience could greatly benefit people like you make an informed decision.

To make things simple, here's a quick form [link to form] where you can share your thoughts.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Asking for testimonials in person

In person or through video calls, the same principles of respect and clarity apply. After finishing a successful project or sale, show and express your gratitude and then ask for a testimonial. Explain the significance of their feedback and how it helps others get to know the quality of your work. Just like in your emails, be brief and considerate of their time. Always provide an easy way for them to submit the testimonial, whether that is through a simple online form or a follow up email with instructions.

Making it easy for clients to provide testimonials

When requesting testimonials, you should always make sure that it is going to be easy for your clients. It's important to give clear guidance and offer a straightforward way for them to share their experience.

Providing clear instructions and questions

Create a simple process for clients to follow by giving them precise instructions. Tell them where and how to submit their testimonial. Offer a set of questions that guide them to share specific details about their positive experience with your service or product. These questions might include:

  • What problem did our product/service solve for you?
  • How was your overall experience with our team?
  • Would you recommend us to others, and if so, why?

Offering multiple testimonial submission options

Different clients may prefer different ways to share their experiences. Some might feel comfortable writing, while others may prefer to record a video. Provide options:

  • A written form for those who like to express themselves in writing.
  • A video submission link for those who want to speak freely.

Building customizable testimonial forms

Use online tools like PraiseHive to create testimonial forms that match your brand's look and feel. The forms should be easy to access and fill out. Include only the necessary fields to avoid overwhelming the client. You could embed the form on your website or send a direct link via email or messaging apps.

Using review platforms

Many clients are already familiar with review platforms like Google, Yelp, or industry specific websites. Encourage them to leave reviews there by providing direct links to your business profile. Make sure to check these platforms frequently to collect and showcase those testimonials on your website or your marketing materials.

Overcoming common challenges

Collecting testimonials is not always easy. Clients may not immediately jump on board, and not all feedback will be positive. However, there are ways to turn those situations into opportunities for growth.

Dealing with reluctant clients

Sometimes, clients might hesitate to give you a testimonial. Maybe they are too busy or just don't see the value in it. Here's how you can encourage them:

  • Explain the Benefit: Let them know how their feedback helps you improve. It might also benefit them as you refine your service or product.
  • Keep It Simple: Make the process of leaving a testimonial as easy as possible. A short form or a quick phone call can do the trick.
  • Show Appreciation: Express your gratitude for their help. A simple thank you can go a long way.

Managing Negative Feedback

No business is immune to negative feedback. But it's not the end of the world. Use it to your advantage:

  • Listen closely: Understand the root of the problem. It's a chance to learn and grow.
  • Respond quickly: Address the issues raised in the testimonial you received. If you fix them, you show future clients that you are proactive and care about customer satisfaction.
  • Follow up: Check back with the client to see if they are happy with how you handled things. They might turn into your biggest supporter.

Ethical practices when collecting testimonials

Collecting testimonials must be done right. Here is a straightforward way to keep things ethical:

  • Ask permission: Always get consent before using a client's words or image.
  • Be authentic: Never change what a client says to make your business look better.
  • Privacy matters: Protect your clients' personal information. Don't share anything they are not comfortable with making public.

Showcasing client testimonials effectively

Once you have gathered testimonials from your clients, the next key step is to show them in a way that grabs attention and convinces potential customers. Here is how you can do this both on your website and across your marketing materials.

Placement and integration on your website

Place testimonials where visitors will see them. This could be on your homepage, product pages, or a dedicated testimonial page. Make sure they are near the information or products they are related to. For example, a testimonial about a particular service should be near that service's description on your website.

Using testimonials in marketing materials

Testimonials aren't just for your website. You can include them in brochures, flyers, and email campaigns. They can also boost the credibility of your presentations, social media posts or even your ads. Consider adding a testimonial from a satisfied customer in a post purchase email to reassure your new customers that they made the right choice.

Creating impactful testimonial pages

A testimonial page should do more than list reviews. It should tell a story. Mix in different types of testimonials: quotes, videos, and case studies. Use pictures of the clients (with their permission) to add authenticity. Break text into short paragraphs and highlight key phrases to make the page easy to read.

There are several effective ways to display testimonials:

  • Quotes: Easy to read, make sure they are short and punchy.
  • Videos: More engaging, they show real people and can convey emotions better.
  • Case studies: In-depth stories that show how you solved a real client's problem.
  • Carousel or sliders: On a website, this format can showcase multiple testimonials without taking up too much space.

Mix these formats to keep your testimonial pages dynamic and engaging.

Wrapping It Up: Simple Steps to Client Testimonials

You have made it through the guide, and now you know to collect those important testimonials from your clients. Let's quickly go over the path we've covered:

  1. Plan your approach: Start by deciding who to ask and when to ask them. Remember, timing can be key.

  2. Reach out: Send a friendly, clear request to your clients asking for their feedback. Keep it simple and direct.

  3. Make it easy: Provide a straightforward way for them to share their thoughts, whether that’s a form, using PraiseHive for example, an email, or a direct link to your testimonial collection page.

  4. Handling challenges: Some clients might hesitate or forget, and that’s okay. Politely remind them and address their concerns if they have any.

  5. Show and tell: Once you have those testimonials, don't hide them away. Display them where new customers can see them and be reassured by the trust others have in your business.

Collecting testimonials doesn’t stop here, it’s a continuous effort. Keep asking, keep collecting, and keep showcasing that people believe in what you do. It’s this ongoing cycle of feedback and display that will keep adding value to your business and trust with your clients.

Start implementing these steps and watch the power of testimonials support your business's growth.

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